The S in ESG stands for Social.


The importance we attach to corporate social responsibility is very high. 

ARNO is a family business. And has been for over 85 years. 


A strong family network is the best school for developing social and economic responsibility as well as respect and regard for people. These humanitarian values are firmly rooted in our company. They connect us with our employees, who often accompany us throughout their working lives. We guarantee good working conditions and fair pay for all of them at all of our locations. We think long-term and act sustainably.


Supporting UN Global Compact


Occupational Safey and Health


Code of Conduct


Sponsorship Plan International

Suppprting UN Global Compact

The Corporate Social Responsibility Initiative of the UN Global Compact promotes principles in the areas of human rights, working conditions, the environment and anti-corruption.

We support the UN Global Compact and thus also affiliated with the Global Compact Network Germany.

Occupational Safety and Health

We practice Safety Leadership and support the International Labour Organization's (ILO) Vision Zero. The initiative is based on the belief that accidents, diseases and harm at work can be prevented. And this applies to all dimensions of work: Safety, Health and Wellbeing.

The safety and health of our employees is very important to us. We pursue prevention and promotion in particular through


  • The ESG Circle, in which employees from all areas work together with the management, safety experts and safety representatives on topics related to occupational safety, health and environmental protection.
  • Our digital occupational safety and health protection concept based on ISO 45001 with an integrated knowledge tool.

As company health management system, our employees benefit


  • From our cooperation with Sportpark WOFit of TSV Wolfschlugen,
  • From the course ‘G.U.T. - Gesund und trainiert im Beruf*’ (healthy and trained at work) and
  • From our cooperation with JobRad.


* The standardised course, which has been awarded the SPORT PRO GESUNDHEIT seal of quality by the German Olympic Sports Confederation, offers insights into the preventive areas of exercise, nutrition and relaxation.

Certificate confirms company's Vision Zero participation
Code of Conduct

The ARNO Code of Conduct supports us in acting appropriately and reasonably in our daily work as well as in strategic considerations and associated legal or ethical decision-making processes. 

It is based on corporate principles, visions, UN conventions, applicable laws and relevant standards - principles that we as a company adhere to without exception. 

Our requirement is that all business is legal and ethical. Employees are obliged to strictly adhere to the ARNO Code of Conduct and to actively implement the regulations in an exemplary manner.

Sponsorship with Plan International

For more than 20 years we have been supporting the organisation Plan International with a sponsorship.

The children's aid organisation promotes children's rights and equality for girls in more than 75 countries.

Children smiling, leaning against pillar, surrounded by lush green foliage