Empowering the Next Generation


Welcome to a world of opportunities for young talents. 


At ARNO, we recognize the invaluable perspective of young minds for staying ahead of time. 

We believe in fostering innovation and progress by actively seeking input from the next generation, providing tailored pathways that lead to success. 


Start your career and apply today!


Gain practical experience - your internship at ARNO

Are you about to finish school or have you already passed your A-levels? Are you interested in an apprenticeship or a (dual) degree - but not sure if this is the right thing for you?


ARNO offers you a first insight into the practical side of things in the form of an internship. Accompany current projects as part of a team and get involved on your own initiative - that's what we want. Through active participation, you will quickly become familiar with processes and structures and can find out whether the job and an apprenticeship or dual study programme in this area are of interest to you.


Do you have to do an internship as part of your career orientation and are you interested in a particular area at ARNO?


Then simply ask us directly by e-mail if you can do your BOGY or BORS with us. This way you can find out what your interests and strengths are. Maybe you'll like it so much that we'll see you again after school. In any case, you will receive a short report from us at the end of your placement.

Make the most of your free time - your holiday job at ARNO

Do you want to work during the holidays?


ARNO offers interesting and fairly paid jobs, depending on your needs. Who knows, you might even discover that our company has more to offer than just a holiday job. Just send an e-mail to Gabriele Plesa (hr@arno-online.com) to find out if we are still looking for support during the desired period.


Integrated right from the start - your apprenticeship at ARNO

ARNO is a top training company and has been a permanent partner of the Stuttgart Chamber of Industry and Commerce (IHK) for many years. As a apprentice at ARNO, you are in the middle of things, not just on the sidelines. You are actively integrated into your team from day one and are respected as a colleague. The colourful mix of young and experienced employees and the flat hierarchies provide fresh impulses almost every day. This keeps your apprenticeship exciting and your motivation high. Speaking of goals: Start your future at ARNO as


  • Digital and print media designer (Mediengestalter:in Digital und Print)
  • Warehouse clerk (Fachlagerist:in)
  • Specialist for warehouse logistics (Fachkraft für Lagerlogistik)


Parallel to your practical training at ARNO, you will attend one of the following vocational schools:


  • Johannes-Gutenberg-Schule Stuttgart (School for media designers)
  • Kaufmännische Schule Stuttgart-Süd (School for warehouse clerks)

We will, of course, actively support you in preparing for your exams. We look forward to receiving your application, which should be sent to Gabriele Plesa (g.plesa@arno-online.com). 

Theory + practice + salary - your bachelor degree at ARNO

The dual study programme at ARNO combines science and practical experience to form an excellent basis for a career in our business areas of project management and logistics. Studying at ARNO also makes you financially independent. You will receive an attractive salary from the first semester. During the dual study programme, scientific theory is directly put into practice. Complex questions and experiences from your working life will be scientifically processed and discussed in a variety of ways during the lectures. After only 6 semesters you will write your bachelor thesis.



ARNO is a partner of the Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University in Stuttgart. Our study programmes:


  • Bachelor's degree in Wood Technology (Holztechnik)
  • Bachelor's degree in Business Administration - Industry (BWL Industrie)
  • Bachelor's degree in Business Service Management - Logistics and Supply Chain Management (BWL Dienstleistungsmanagement Logistik- und Supply Chain Management)


You can find more information about the study programmes in the DHBW flyers and in our job offers.


Head to head with our experts - your bachelor's or master's thesis at ARNO

We invite you to write your thesis at our company - even if you are not doing your dual studies at ARNO. Because we both benefit. Our competent supervisors will support you with all their knowledge and experience on your topic. And with your work you will make an important contribution to bringing us forward.


A good degree is also a good start. For example, if you want to continue working with us immediately afterwards. Please describe your topic and briefly explain why you would like to work for ARNO. 

Woman poses confidently in modern office

If you have any questions about ARNO as an employer or the application process, you've come to the right place.

Jasmin Bauer

Head of HR Development
